equip classes

Equip classes: where your heart can be renewed through in-depth Bible study and spiritual development. New Heights Equip classes will challenge you to go deeper in your understanding of God’s Word and live authentically as a true disciple!

Upcoming live Equip classes are listed below, as well as online classes that you can watch anytime.


For questions about Equip classes, email kevin@newheightschurch.com.

Upcoming Live classes

Online Classes

Biblical World Workshop

Dr. Wave Nunnally takes us into the real and historical world of Jesus.

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

Learn how the Holy Spirit is our Helper and how we can learn to hear God’s voice.

Following the Way of Jesus

Learn what it means to follow Jesus and the process of becoming like him.

God’s Father Heart

Learn what it means to have God as your heavenly Father.

Interpreting the Bible

Learn some tools to help interpret the different types of literature in the Bible.

Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament

Recognize Jesus when he appears as a real character in the Old Testament

Spiritual Warfare

Learn how to walk in Christ’s authority as you push back spiritual darkness.

The Three Enemies

We live daily in a spiritual battle. Learn how to walk in Christ's victory over our three enemies.

Theology of Work

Join Jonathan Nowlen as we rediscover the value, meaning, and spirituality of our work.

Understand The Supernatural

Discover what the Bible says about the invisible supernatural world around us.

Who are the mormons?

Explore the history, beliefs, and practices of the Mormon faith and how to reach out to Mormons with the gospel of grace.

Go Deeper

You and I were made for deep relationship and purpose with God and others. In fact, Jesus wants to lead us into this life when he invites us to follow him and his Way. Yet, in our fast-paced, hurried culture, faithful discipleship alongside others so easily gets pushed to the margins of our life.

Deeper is a semester-long discipleship and community intensive designed for those who are ready to commit to rhythms and practices that put following Jesus at the center of our lives.