Following the Way of Jesus

When we commit to following Jesus, we commit to become like him. This “becoming like him” is a process known as spiritual formation, where the Holy Spirit transforms us from the inside out.  Jesus invites us into this process by following him and his Way.

This Equip series is all about understanding Jesus’ Way as seen in Scripture that leads to this inner transformation.  As we become more like Jesus, the Spirit leads us out into our broken world overflowing with Jesus’ abundant life.

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The Workbook

This workbook is intended to help you better engage with this Equip content.  It contains guides for each lesson, including a note-taking outline to help you follow along with that lesson’s teach as well as supplemental resources and visuals that enhance the content.  The workbook can be used individually or to study with others.

The Impact

  • "Is it possible to do everything that Jesus commanded and train others to do everything too?” My first reaction was, “No, that sounds impossible.” But I didn’t want to believe that. And by the end of the series, I had the vision and understanding to see the ‘yes'!"


  • "Even after 20 years as a Christian this class has transformed my idea of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. If you want to know what this quote by Dallas Willard means: 'Arrange your life so that you are experiencing deep contentment and joy and confidence in your every day life with God...' I would highly recommend taking this class.”
