Summer Training School

Summer Training School (STS) is a 2-month summer program that combines in-depth discipleship with practical ministry experience! You will intern in one of the ministries at New Heights as well as learn about God's kingdom through classes and Bible studies. You'll also get to spend quality time with staff members at our weekly lunch and join us for our annual staff lake day.

When? May 31 - July 28. You will need to have Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, and Sunday mornings free. The remaining 5-10 intern hours are flexible.

How Much? FREE - just your time and service.

What Next? Applications are due by May 15th. Apply by clicking the link below. For more info email Chadd Holmes at

college students in Summer Training School


  • We will have a weekly Bible study going verse by verse through scripture each week. These will be taught by college ministry leaders. We will also have a weekly dinner/class in the homes of different staff members. In these times you will hear powerful teaching from pastors and ministry leaders on a variety of subjects. Below are some examples of possible classes:

    • Worship as Warfare

    • Spiritual Disciplines

    • Identity in Christ

    • Intercessory Prayer

    • Spiritual Warfare

    • Being led by the Spirit

    • Leadership

    • Power of the Local Church

    • Global Missions

  • Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30-9pm are set aside for our weekly Bible study and class. Your intern hours (ideally 5-10 hours) are for you and your ministry team leaders to determine. You will also serve at church on Sunday mornings.

  • We have heard things like:

    “I grew more in 8 weeks than I did in 18 years!”

    “My paradigm was shifted.”

    “I feel like I really know God now.”

    “I am experiencing new freedom in worship.”

    “I loved how balanced and holistic the program was.”

    “I discovered how to use my gifts.”

    “The friendships and community were awesome.”

  • Um, Yeah!!! We will be a tight group that does life together as much as possible over the summer. Last year some of our adventures included a two-night cabin retreat, rock climbing, pool parties, and canoeing to name a few. Activities may vary, but plan on fun!

  • Our desire is to place you in an area of ministry that matches your passion and gifting. The Internship areas we currently offer are Children’s ministry (babies through 5th grade), Disabilities ministry, College Ministry, Worship Arts, Global Ministry, and Media Team.

    Interns will learn a philosophy of ministry and leadership that applies to all areas of ministry within the church. Throughout the summer you will develop skills and get experience to set you up for success in all areas of life and ministry!