NEWS & events
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Weekly news email each Thursday

This Spring, the Fayetteville Prayer Room is setting aside 47 days during Lent to pray night and day. Sign up for an hour, then come in to pray, worship, and commune with God.

Global Outfitters Spring Break
This trip is an incredible training intensive on world religions and living as a Christian in our world. It is a perfect opportunity to have fun, learn about the world, and mature as a believer in Jesus.

College Night
College Students, join us every Monday night at 8:15 at the New Heights Offices! We will worship together, hear a teach, pray and fellowship together!

Equip: Understand the Supernatural
This free two-week class will look at what Scripture has to say about the activity of angels and demons, and how the Spirit of God fills our lives.

Father Son Campout
Join fathers and sons for a weekend out in the woods April 4-6 at Camp Jabali! We'll be sleeping in tents, playing in the woods, sitting around a campfire, and doing a bunch of other really fun activities.

The Biblical Role of Emotion
Join Dr. James Hawkins, LPC and EFT Trainer, and Carol Dutton, LPC-S, LMFT-S, both with The Joshua Center, to hear how emotions are inviting us into deeper relationship, guiding us toward truth, healing, wholeness, and transformation.

Equip: Experiencing the Holy Spirit
This free two-week class will explore biblically how the Holy Spirit is our Helper, and how we can learn to hear God’s voice.

Rooted: A Women's Fellowship & Worship Gathering
Join other women for dinner and fellowship, followed by a time of worship and teaching.

Conversation Tables
Gather with other women of New Heights for Women's Conversation Tables during second service, starting at 11AM, at the Boys & Girls Club.

Created For Connection Marriage Workshop
Led by Chad and Angela Imhoff, this marriage workshop is designed to help Christian couples have conversations that build a more secure relationship.

Ecuador GTS2025
Global Training School (GTS) is a six-week summer cross-cultural school in a foreign country with the express purpose of training college students who are serious about potentially becoming long-term global workers in an international setting. This year we are going to Ecuador.

Family Camp
Join us for Family Camp, a weekend filled with fun and relaxation, where we can strengthen our bonds with other families from Fayetteville! There will be plenty of activities to enjoy, including games, go-karts, a ropes course, pools and much more.

Boston Mission Trip
Join us in Boston and spend a week in early June working with local churches reaching out to internationals by reading Bible stories together. Exact dates TBD.

Equip: Walking the Spiritual Journey
This class is designed to help you reflect on where you are in your own spiritual journey and to envision the next steps toward greater maturity.

Young Adults Equip Breakfast
Young adults, come enjoy a great breakfast + community + teaching from the coaches at Freedom 5:One. We’ll be discussing Biblical stewardship principles, practical money management tips, and we’ll have Q&A with our coaches.

College Second Sunday Lunch
College students, join us at the Club after second service for lunch!

Equip: Salt & Light
This two-day training equips you with practical, actionable tools to confidently and naturally share your faith with the people around you, wherever you are.

Join Discovery
Discovery is designed to be your first community experience at New Heights. You’ll meet weekly in someone’s home, share a meal together, and learn about New Heights Church.

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and gain solid support each step of the way.

Celebrate Recovery Step Studies
Have you been struggling with a hurt, hang-up or habit? Are you ready to get some healing?

In 2025, for 25 hours, the Global Church will gather across six continents for a time of prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning. Every time zone. Every language. Every denomination. Every generation.

Equip: Read It Like a Rabbi
In this class, we will learn and practice some ancient ways of reading the Bible so that we can find even more beauty and treasure in God's Word.

Take My Hand Premarriage Class
Thinking of getting married? Join Chad and Angela Imhoff for this 8 week IN PERSON class where they will walk you through concepts and conversations designed to help you build a healthy and secure relationship.

Ozark Worship Night
Join us for a evening of prayer and worship, Feb 22, 6:30-8:30pm at Fellowship Fayetteville.

Women's Ministry Serve Day
Join women of New Heights as we volunteer at Beautiful Lives Thrift Boutique from either 10AM-noon or 1-3PM.

Young Adults Lunch
Join us for Young Adults Lunch after the second service on Sunday, February 16th (we’ll start around 1 PM)! The Weavers are hosting us at their home for a time of great food, community, and connection.

Galentine's Game Night
Join other women of New Heights for a fun evening of games and fellowship.

Equip: God's Father Heart
Jesus taught us that God is our Heavenly Father. This class gives us powerful truth about the heart of God and our identity.

Global Outfitters Spring Break Info Meeting
Find out more about the Global Outfitters spring break trip and how you can be part of it.

Father Daughter Dance
Fathers and Daughters, join us for our annual Father Daughter Dance! We’ll provide cookies, lemonade, and a photo booth along with lots of fun music to dance the night away.

Join a College Community Group
Find your people and grow in your faith by joining a college small group - this is an awesome chance to build real friendships, be encouraged, and discover how God can work in your life.

Mother Daughter Brunch
Moms and Daughters, join us for our annual Mother Daughter Brunch! Come gather with other mothers and daughters as we fellowship with one another over a meal and participate in fun activities!

Winter Chill 2025
All youth (6th-12th), join us for Winter Chill 2025 - an amazing weekend retreat at New Life Ranch.

Join FriendSpeak
The FriendSpeak program is free and connects internationals and Americans, with the goal of practicing English while reading the Bible.

Equip: Faith and Work
In this three-session Equip class, Jonathan Nowlen, Catherine Gates, and Dawn Stanford will guide you in understanding how all our work can be valuable to God.

Perspectives Class
Wondering what God’s plan for the world has to do with you? Join us for this semester course to discover God’s perspective.

Women's Spring Bible Studies
Sign up now for one of our women’s spring Bible studies, beginning in January. There are several different options available, including with childcare.

Give a gift to New Heights
This Christmas season, we invite you to give a financial gift to New Heights. Your generosity enables us to fulfill our mission to love God passionately and love people tangibly.

Christmas Open House
If you don’t have Christmas day lunch plans for whatever reason, Jim and Pam Hall are opening their home to anyone that wants to drop by for chili and lots of Christmas leftovers and goodies.

Christmas Eve Service
Join us on Dec 24th at 5pm for a family Christmas Eve service. Come early for cookies and hot chocolate, and enjoy the Christmas story. Ugly Christmas sweaters and/or Christmas pajamas are encouraged.

SAGE Christmas Party
If you are 55+, join us for a SAGE Christmas party at the Lawson’s home.

A Potter's House Christmas
A Potter’s House Christmas is coming up Dec 8! Over 850+ people involved in the ministries of Potter’s House will gather for a night of dinner and celebration. There are many ways you can be involved both before and during this event.

The Global Shoppe Christmas Sale
The Global Shoppe Christmas Sale will be Sunday, December 8th, in the lobby of the Boys & Girls Club. Join us before or after church to find unique gifts and make a tangible impact in the world through your purchase.