Have you been struggling with a hurt, hang-up or habit? Are you ready to get some healing?
Celebrate Recovery has a Women’s DAYTIME Step Study Starting SOON!
Mondays from 10:00am-11:30am beginning December 9th.
A CR-step study is a confidential group where participants work through the 12 steps of Recovery. The group is guided by trained facilitators who have completed the study themselves, allowing individuals to delve deep into their personal struggles with "hurts, hang-ups, and habits". We have 3 incredible CR-Leaders who are excited to create a safe place for you to find acceptance and community in your healing process.
The group meets weekly. There is NO childcare for this step study.
To Sign Up
Email cr@newheightschurch.com Please let us know so we can hold a spot for you. The groups will fill up quickly, and will be limited to those who have signed up.