The FounT

Begins August 27th, 2024 - to apply, download the application and email it to

The Fount Application: (deadline to apply - August 20th, 2024)

A semester-long community experience centered around the person and works of the Holy Spirit. In the Fount, we will look at the role and presence of the Holy Spirit in the scriptures, as expressed by Jesus and how the Father sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to live our daily lives as Christ-followers.

Our mission for the Fount is to journey through the God-story together examining the scriptures and highlighting the person of the Holy Spirit and His works in order to develop a more biblical understanding of his divine nature as God and the third person of the Trinity.

Through the community experience in the Fount, we want to equip the body of Christ to cultivate relationship with Holy Spirit by providing a space where we practice listening to Him together in prayer to encourage one another, so we may learn to discern His voice more clearly in our personal lives and live empowered by the Spirit of God.

Week to Week Description

Over the course of this experience, we will SEE the Holy Spirit in the scriptures and highlight His redemptive work.

Jesus himself expressed the essential role and presence of the Holy Spirit to his disciples before his death, resurrection, and ascension. Therefore, we are compelled to EXAMINE the words of Jesus in scripture, to establish a deeper understanding of the Third Person of the Trinity.

During our time together every Tuesday, we will participate in group teachings, discussions, and prayer experiences. We believe that our time together will help train us to RECOGNIZE and INVITE the Holy Spirit’s presence into our daily lives so we EXPERIENCE Him.

We believe as followers of Jesus Christ, our heart’s cry is intimacy with the Triune God. Our hope is that through this experience all participants will be more equipped to discern the voice of God, to reverence His presence, and let the Holy Spirit lead them as the Spirit of God, Spirit of Truth, and Helper.  As we cultivate a relationship with Him, we will be empowered and compelled to live a life on mission in the Kingdom of God.

Dates: August 27th, 2024 - December 3rd, 2024, meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6-9pm
Cost: $125 - to be paid within the first 2 months of the program. Financial aid and payment plans available. 
Contact:  Kimberly Williams or Scott Wicinski