
We are created for connection: connection with God and connection with others. Being created in the image of God we are designed for community. Just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have always shared life, we are meant to share life with God and with one another.

Community groups offer
an opportunity for our
deepest connections.
Community Group

Community groups meeting in homes are the heartbeat of New Heights Church. They are the primary way we make a large church smaller. In community groups, deep and lasting relationships are formed as we live out our identity as the family of God. Our community groups provide a place where you can study, eat, worship, pray and serve with other believers.

Get Connected

If you’re new to New Heights or not part of a community within our spiritual family, Discovery is the place to start. Discovery introduces you to the heart and mission of New Heights Church and is designed to be your first community experience. Your group meets weekly in someone’s home, shares a meal together, and learns more about New Heights Church. In Discovery, you’ll be able to ask questions, find answers, and develop friendships as you’ll learn our ‘why’ at New Heights. Simply put, we designed Discovery to help you find your people and find your place at our church. Discovery is also our pathway to church membership.

Discovery is 10 weeks and begins each Spring, Summer, and Fall.

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There are many different types of community groups at New Heights -life stage groups, women’s groups, couples groups, mixed demographic groups, special focus groups, and more. If you have completed Discovery, click on the link below or email and we’ll help you find your people.

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Go Deeper

You and I were made for deep relationship and purpose with God and others. In fact, Jesus wants to lead us into this life when he invites us to follow him and his Way. Yet, in our fast-paced, hurried culture, faithful discipleship alongside others so easily gets pushed to the margins of our life.

Deeper is a semester-long discipleship and community intensive designed for those who are ready to commit to rhythms and practices that put following Jesus at the center of our lives.